Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Who Wants to be a Millionaire (APCian edition)

Who Wants to be a Millionaire

Who wants to be a millionaire? Yeey! Of course we all do! But at this point Who want's to be a millionaire is not all about the money. but it is about the pride of every blocks who'd joined the contest last college week. The contest mechanics is - the players will play as a group and should answer the same answer that has been given by the MC's. The players will be given a exact time to think and write their answers on their white board (each team has their own white board and a marker.)

So lets move on to the rounds. Every round has no definite categories of questions because it can be randomize. And yes of course the questions is all about general knowledge. Yeah! So general knowledge is all about the random things that anyone can answer specially those people who is obsessed in watching tv series and shows, the bookish, and those persons who likes to know anything.

And after all of these rounds, The hard-work in thinking. (I know how it feels. I'm currently in that situation right now. Thinking of what to say next after the next word that I am about to type.. Like this yeah! hahaha!) The exchange of ideas or brain storming, and the time is pressuring them... My team finally get to the top two. At first i thought in the last top 3 participants.. I thought that they couldn't make it because of the mistakes that they are committing, but isn't it great? My thoughts were just only my thoughts. I doubt, but it was just a doubt but they actually made it.

At the final round the game seems so intense. The both teams may know the answer to the same question but they can be blank space as well. Some questions were really easy but we can't be really sure. Every mind has its own content right? (btw I'm just typing what my head or my little routing mind wants to express, yeah really it stinks :(. )

So yeah! After all of that my classmates, Huey, Lexi, Daddy Jed won the game not as the Champion but as a 1st runner up. It's ok for me, I didn't expect that the ABMA 13+ liners has the same IQ as what my very brainy classmate has. Imagine that they was challenged by the higher batches that who has more experience with those games because they were staying at APC for some years.

Enough of all of these!



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