Wednesday, April 20, 2016

The cry of the Phantom

So since I didn't make it to ERC's storytelling in the auditorium because of my responsibilities as an organizer of Bahay Bombilya in two different events with the same time (i almost die running up and downstairs from 1st to 10th floor of APC building btw its not ur prob right? )
... i will leave this blog spot for The Phantom of the Opera.

Does Christine love Raoul or the Phantom? 

She is torn between two loves. Raoul, who represents safety, light, and a sort of romantic, adolescent view of what true love should mean and then there is Erik, the Phantom, with whom Christine has had a long time bond. He has been to her like a guardian angel.

For Christine, the Phantom's love must have been quite frightening. He stalked her, kidnapped her, murdered people for her, it's a very passionate sort of love and for a young girl who has never loved before, it must have seemed scary. Raoul was like the perfect gentlemen. He tried to protect her (keyword, tried, he failed), swore his love to her, gave her the chance to love him, an actual option which the Phantom didn't. Plus, the mob was looking for the Phantom. If she went with Raoul, she could have lived a peaceful and solitary life, a life which the Phantom couldn't give her. He's a murderer and would have been hunted by the police. Raoul was the safer option. 
I would have chosen the Phantom personally. I believe that with true love, she could have changed him. He'd never had love before and it's only natural for him to be insecure with it! But ah well, each to his own!

The background of the three principle characters in the love triangle.    First let's look at Christine's early background before her father died.  Talking to Meg, Christine says " It's Raoul. Before my father died,  at the house by the sea.  I  guess you could say we were childhood sweethearts. He called me Little  Lotte."  
Raoul was affected by his childhood experience just as much.  He did not see Christine at his first tour, but at the performance that night he exclaims "Can it be?
Can it be Christine? Bravo!
Long ago, it seemed so long ago
How young and innocent we were
She may not remember me,
But I remember her.  
Erik (Yes, the Phantom has a name) had different reasons for loving Christine.   
I have brought you, to the seat of sweet music's throne. To this kingdom where all must pay homage to music, music
You have come here, for one purpose, and one alone, since the moment I  first heard you sing, I have needed you with me to serve me to sing, for  my music, my music
 Erik needs her for her musical abilities.  
You alone can make my song take flight
Help me make the music of the night.
The Phantom becomes extremely  jealous when it becomes clear that Christine loves Raoul more than she loves him, and feels threatened that his music (The one beautiful thing in his life) is in danger due to Raoul.  When his jealousy and rage reveal how ugly his life is (Outside of Music), He kidnaps Christine in a desperate attempt to convince her that he too was worthy of love.  Raoul undertakes a terrifying risk to rescue Christine, and when the Phantom sees that he has Christine's pity, but could never have her love, combined with the love that Raoul shows by risking his life, lets her go.  Christine goes with Raoul as he had always been her romantic love.


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